Prafulla Chandra Mishra

Professor Emeritus

A teacher by choice, Prof. (Dr) P.C.Mishra, after obtaining his a postgraduate degree in Anthropology and Law from Utkal University, joined the P.G Department of Law, Utkal University way back in 1978-79. As a teacher of Family Law (Personal Laws) he has been successfully awarded PhD degree in Law from University of Delhi under the supervision and guidance of Prof. (Dr) Upendra Baxi, former Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi.

Prof. Mishra has contributed number of research papers in various national and international conferences and successfully guided 8 students for PhD degree. Besides being member of various national and international bodies, Prof. Mishra was a visiting professor to the University of Milano, Italy under the Indo-Italian cultural exchange program by U.G.C, MHRD in the year 2005.