- Library Timings : 24 X 7 (Round the clock)
- Books: 22792 numbers of books are available in our current stock. 8628 nos. of titles and 10004 nos. of Reference Books.
- Periodicals/ Reports: 72 numbers of print journals and we have a special collection of Law Reports from COMMON PLEAS CASES, QUEEN’S BENCH DIVISION, ENGLISH & IRESH APPEAL CASES, CHANCERY DIVISION, APPEAL CASES, PRIVY COUNCIL APPEAL CASES, KINGS BENCH DIVISION and Encyclopaedia of FORMS AND PRECEDENTS. Present subscriptions/renewals are 26 nos.
- Online Database: 7 nos. of Online Databases viz. JSTOR, Westlaw Asia, Lexis Advance, SCC Online, Manupatra, Hein Online and AIR Online are available for our scholars, apart from this E-Brary E-Book, PQDT (Proquest Dissertation and Thesis) and EBC Reader are available online to support our valued users. 2 CD ROM Databases viz. AIR and Judgment of Orissa High Court along with full text of Orissa Local Laws (A – Z). The entire online database can be accessed through institutional IP and it is available through Wi-Fi inside our University campus. To access the database users need to go > Library > Digital Library.
- Digital Library: Our Library has extra 60 nods for the access of digital information/database.
- CD/DVD (Non-print mat.) : 28
- Magazine : 18 nos.
- Newspaper : 12
- Thomson Reuter’s E-books : 20 UK and 63 Indian (total 83 nos. of books)
- CAS Service: Every month our library circulates a mail service (CASLAW) on the library updates and other relevant information not only of law but also non-law fields.
- Reprographic Services: Reading material, Syllabus and Study note, etc.
- Similarity Index Checking: We provide plagiarism test support to our valued scholars.
- User Awareness Programme: We are conducting User Awareness Programmes for our users time to time.
- Location Map: KIIT Law Library spread over three floors i.e. 3 rd Floor (Reading Room cum Reference Section, 4222 Sqft. i.e.392.236466 Sq. Mtrs., Seating Capacity: 162), 4 th Floor (Journal/Report Section/Digital Library, 2352 Sqft. i.e.218.507856 Sq. Mtrs., Seating Capacity: 84) & 5 th Floor (Circulation Section and Veeder Hall, 2352 Sqft. i.e.218.507856 Sq. Mtrs., Seating Capacity: 39).